Sunday, December 14, 2014

From the Big Durian to the Big Mango...LIVE from Bangkok!

Here I am, in Bangkok, or the Big Mango, as it's fondly known as.  Funny to come here from Jakarta, or the Big Durian, as it's infamously known as.  Ironically, I like durian and I'm not a fan of mango, but LET ME SAY that I LOVE BANGKOK.

I think it was time for me to get out of Jakarta for a minute.  I found myself in awe, looking from the window of the plane, to the clear view of the city of Bangkok at night - with headlights moving down streets.  There is no smog or traffic jams.  When we landed, the plane taxied to an actual terminal, and when we queued for the taxis, there was no confusion.  In fact, everything was logical, and clean, and friendly.

My cab driver from the airport was friendly, too, and spoke somewhat good English.  He had no idea where we were going, though, and admitted more than once that he needed glasses.  He had to turn around three times, bringing the meter to 200 baht instead of the 150 it could have been.  In Thailand, you have to give the driver a 50 baht service fee, so I counted out 250 baht.  He got pretty angry, yelling "No tip?"  Tipping is not mandatory and should not even be expected.  I think he expected me to tip because I'm American.  He was very confused why I told him to stop at the hostel instead of the 5-star hotel down the road.  The driver actually tried to stop at every swank hotel on the way for me.  He kept saying, "You are American.  You can stay here."  In the end, I just walked away from him.  Not only did he run up my meter, but he received his service fee.

My hostel is called Thrive! The Hostel.

It's pretty nice, and I splurged for a private room, but as you can see from the photo, there's no room for more than a bed.  I'm standing between the sink and the toilet with my back to the door.  There is a shower over the toilet, in standard Asian fashion.  Those curtains open to windows, and I'll let you know what is outside them once there is daylight.

The neighborhood is typically Thai.  There are a lot of hostels on my street, but some advertise special services.

The best part, though, was my dinner.  I know, I know.  I'm supposed to eat all sorts of amazing Thai food now that I'm here.  And I will.  But tonight, y'all?  Tonight, I'm not in Indonesia anymore.  Funny thing is, without the pollution and the trash and the traffic and the noise, I almost feel like I'm in America.

That?  Why, that's tomato soup.  Soup.  Not sop or soto, soup.  And that second thing?  Why, that's a friggin' sandwich, y'all.  Two pieces of bread grilled with...wait for it...ham.  Pork.  Pig.  Not smoked beef, not salted tofu.  Ham.  With bread.  And cheese.  And see those fries?  They get...wait for it...

Salt.  On the table.  That I can use.  For my food.  And...

Awww yeah.  'Murica.

A rat actually ran across my table during dinner and I kind of wanted to give it a hug.  That's how I feel about Bangkok.

Tomorrow I'm off to see all the temples a visitor to Bangkok is supposed to see, and maybe a market or two.  No matter what, I'm in love with this beautiful city and I can't wait to show you more.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I can't believe you still love Bangkok after that awful taxi driver (boy I have a story for you someday about my experience with a Bangkok taxi driver) and a rat on your table! Geez!

  3. seems you have no good words for Jakarta anymore.....that s what you get when you go living in a cheap kos of a bad neighbourhood
    I our appartmentcomplex we live like royals in heaven :-)....with 3 shoppingmalls in walking not even hectic traffic can bother us. And rats and bugs cannot enter our elevators without accesscard ;-) And at our 32nd floor also floods cannot worry us.....
